Frank Ockenfels 3 In 1990, American TV viewers were introduced to the bucolic town of Twin Peaks, Washington—and to creator David Lynch's creepy-campy propensity for distorting the mundane. In its short two-season run, the neonoir series netted a pile of awards, earned a cult following, and reset expectations for what a TV show could be, from the cinematography and music to the pervasive sense of dread.
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Frank Ockenfels 3 In 1990, American TV viewers were introduced to the bucolic town of Twin Peaks, Washington—and to creator David Lynch's creepy-campy propensity for distorting the mundane. In its short two-season run, the neonoir series netted a pile of awards, earned a cult following, and reset expectations for what a TV show could be, from the cinematography and music to the pervasive sense of dread.

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