Say hello to the loosely bound galaxy of IC 4710, captured by the Hubble Space telescope. Unlike your average galaxy, IC 4710 has no central core or spiraled arms. Instead, this oddball is built out of a loose jumble of stars; on its outer edges are newly forming stars, shown here in the bright blues. This stunning infrared photo, captured by the Juno spacecraft, shows Jupiter’s north pole adorned with a flower of eight massive cyclones.
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Say hello to the loosely bound galaxy of IC 4710, captured by the Hubble Space telescope. Unlike your average galaxy, IC 4710 has no central core or spiraled arms. Instead, this oddball is built out of a loose jumble of stars; on its outer edges are newly forming stars, shown here in the bright blues. This stunning infrared photo, captured by the Juno spacecraft, shows Jupiter’s north pole adorned with a flower of eight massive cyclones.

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