Records may be made to be broken, but the laws of physics aren't even supposed to bend. Which makes it all the weirder that the Koenigsegg Agera RS just set a new production car speed record, hitting 277.9 mph. That is, to use the engineering term, insane. It pushes the limits of aerodynamics, suspension, engine power, and tire rubber. It seems impossible. Koenigsegg, a tiny Swedish supercar outfit, set the new mark this weekend on a closed section of public road in Nevada.
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Records may be made to be broken, but the laws of physics aren't even supposed to bend. Which makes it all the weirder that the Koenigsegg Agera RS just set a new production car speed record, hitting 277.9 mph. That is, to use the engineering term, insane. It pushes the limits of aerodynamics, suspension, engine power, and tire rubber. It seems impossible. Koenigsegg, a tiny Swedish supercar outfit, set the new mark this weekend on a closed section of public road in Nevada.

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