Surprise, everyone! Apple's going to launch a new iPhone. Crazy, right? You had no idea. You definitely know nothing about the device itself, or the screen it'll use, or whether it'll use your face to unlock, or if there's going to be a home button. Will there be bezels? Gosh, who could really say. Here's what we do know: The event's going to be September 12, starting at 10 am California time.
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Surprise, everyone! Apple's going to launch a new iPhone. Crazy, right? You had no idea. You definitely know nothing about the device itself, or the screen it'll use, or whether it'll use your face to unlock, or if there's going to be a home button. Will there be bezels? Gosh, who could really say. Here's what we do know: The event's going to be September 12, starting at 10 am California time.

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