Today we will discuss the PRIDEFUL stage. If we look up the definition of Prideful it states “Having an excessively high opinion of oneself”. 

Do you start your weight-loss journey at a level that is above your level of discipline? Do you start your weight-loss journey saying you will cut out all sugar and end up falling into binging? Do you start your weight-loss journey trying to be a perfectionist, so you wait for the perfect time to start? Do you start your journey bragging about how much weight you will lose in your first month or by a certain time? 

Well, I have done or said all of those things when starting my weight-loss journey to only crash and burn. This week we will learn the 5 stages Peter had to go through to become THE ROCK Jesus named him when they first met. In this 5 part series we are going to learn the 5 stages we may have to go through to reach our weight-loss goals.