Previous Episode: Just Flow

In my experiences as an educator, author, speaker, and ministry leader, I have witnessed that many peopole are aware of the "what to do's" in life and their options.  However, it is the "how to's" of life that baffles most individuals. People, in most cases, honestly want to know how to get passed an incident, get through a hardship, forgive someone, invest in themselves, love again, trust anyone, save money, get healthy, and more.  The list seems endless.  Tonight I want to share 5 ways that if fully embraced and applied will impact your life and even those around you.

Whether we are in a struggle or out of one, we all want to be winners in life.  We want to overcome the struggles and we want to keep that winner's edge after conquoring a struggle.  We all can have more wins in life than loses if we trust the plan of God that includes 5 simples ideals or codes to live by. 

Listen in and share this podcast with a firend and loved one. Remember to share your feedback of how The Winning Ways Broadcast is blessing you. Also, connect with me on Instagram, Twitter, Google and Facebook where my handle is StephannieBooks.  On Demand shows can be heard here on Blog Talk Radio, iTunes, and