Today’s guest is no stranger to A Life and a Living Podcast. We’ve heard from him before and I’m thrilled to have him back to continue learning his business strategies. Miha Matlievski has an amazing story, coming from a series of failures and working hard to keep going.

Today’s guest is no stranger to A Life and a Living Podcast. We’ve heard from him before and I’m thrilled to have him back to continue learning his business strategies. Miha Matlievski has an amazing story, coming from a series of failures and working hard to keep going. 

What I like most about Miha is his great sense of simplicity. He makes it all sound easy, although he never underestimates the amount of work involved in being a successful entrepreneur. In this episode, we discuss Miha’s focus on building systems for profitability, the key pillars to have in place to align a scalable business, and what he means by the “soft skills.” According to Miha, those soft skills are what can change things drastically for a business. Founder of Fail Coach, Miha uses his failures and comebacks to help others in their journey to scale their business and in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

What We Talked About in This Episode:

What it Means to Miha to be “The Fail Coach”
Miha’s Focus on 6 and 7 Figure Entrepreneurs
Systems in Place to Become a 4 Hour CEO
Benefits of Systems on Profitability
Key Pillars to Have in Place to Align a Business to Scale
Foundational Pieces, Values, and Soft Skills That Make Growth Easier
Preparing an Exit Strategy and Implementing Properly
Common Big Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs
Pivoting and Adopting Change When Needed
Routines That Prepare You For Whatever Comes Your Way
Learning and Growing As an Entrepreneur: It is Always Possible to Learn
Business is Not Complex
Going One Step Deeper to Grow From Each Lesson
Mindfulness to Boost Energy
“Miha in Your Pocket”
Miha’s Book Recommendation and Daily Routines

About Our Guest:

One business coach has forged his approach to helping entrepreneurs and business executives by using a monumental personal failure and eventual redemption to help get others where they need to go to find their personal success and fulfillment. As he himself experienced, dealing with the psychological and emotional aspects of success and failure is crucial, according to Miha. While he admits that entrepreneurs want growth, scalability, more sales, etc. he says what they really need is the right mindset, a healthy relationship with failure, emotional intelligence (“EQ”), mindfulness and other “soft skills.”

Fail Coach Miha Matlievski has been featured in numerous publications, both online and in print, and is full of stories about his own personal background, his approach to working with clients and what they have achieved with his help. Offering a more holistic approach to business coaching than what is typically available to entrepreneurs and business executives across the globe, the story of The Fail Coach will no doubt appeal to many.

Connect with Miha Matlievski:

Links and Resources:

Fail Coach Miha Matlievski Home Page

LinkedIn  |  Facebook  |  Instagram

         Connect with John Murphy:


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