Zulma Reyo is the founder of the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness and author of Inner Alchemy: The Path Of Mastery, which is available as a free ebook. Today we discuss energy and how to understand its use and relevance in leadership and business. She beautifully explains the importance of changing the way you think and perceive reality and the effect of this shift on your life.

Today’s guest brings a fascinating topic to our usual business and leadership conversations. Zulma Reyo has an incredibly interesting background as a medium and the purpose of her work is to help people stop doing and start being.

Zulma Reyo is the founder of the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness and author of Inner Alchemy: The Path Of Mastery, which is available as a free ebook. Today we discuss energy and how to understand its use and relevance in leadership and business. She beautifully explains the importance of changing the way you think and perceive reality and the effect of this shift on your life.

She says it best with her mission and promise: “The purpose of our school is to transform a human being and give them the tools of self-transformation so that they can connect with greater wisdom and change this world.”


What We Talked About in This Episode:

The Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness
Zulma’s Family and Educational Background
The Definition of Energy and How to Understand Its Use
Zulma’s Book Published in 1989 and the Reason She Updated it in 2020
The Relevance of Energy in Leadership and Business
Change the Way You Think and Perceive Reality
Building a More Humane Society Through Inner Alchemy
Doing vs. Being
Experiencing Without Judgement
The Effect of Gathering Your Momentum
Sustain This Type of Living: Zulma’s Second “Ah-ha”
Zulma’s Hope For the Future
Quieting the Negative Inner Voice
Zulma’s Views on Spirituality and What It Means to Reality
The Greatest Power as a Human Being
Zulma’s Daily Rituals

About Our Guest:

Zulma Reyo is the founder of the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness and author of Inner Alchemy: The Path Of Mastery. She studied Humanities at Puerto Rico University and completed a BA in Romance Languages and Literature at New York University, where the beginnings of her formal search to understand the complexity of the human condition began to unfold. She went on to complete an MA in Education at NYU, which was followed by post-graduate studies in psychology and counselling at San Fernando Valley State College in California. After working in a private practice and then founding the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness, she followed her dream of reaching more people by expanding her activities to Europe, and settled in Spain in the mid-90s. There, she consolidated her line of work and continued to develop methods of meditation and self-knowledge. Zulma now spent almost four decades of her life dedicated to teaching, writing, training, workshops, and conferences.

To reach Zulma, go to her website: https://www.zulmareyo.com/en/home

Connect with Zulma Reyo:

Zulma Reyo Home Page
Zulma Reyo on YouTube
Inner Alchemy Zulma Reyo on Facebook
Zulma Reyo on LinkedIn

Connect with John Murphy:


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