In our conversation, Stephen explains the impact of unconscious communication and that things that get in the way of behavior shifts. He also shares his thoughts on the impact of having multiple generations in the workforce simultaneously. And the tools that effective leaders use to motivate themselves and how to go about motivating somebody else, which is not a logical straight line.

The topic of today’s episode of the Winning Teams Podcast is so important and very relevant. Today we’re discussing the need for shifts in behavior and let’s face it, every organization has a whole realm of change programs going on. But today’s guest breaks it down to communication and persuasion.

Stephen McGarvey is the founder of Solutions in Mind, a consulting group that uses a proven process of persuading and influencing to help clients achieve success. He is certainly a real world authority on conscious communication, persuasion, and influence and a true expert in the field. 

In our conversation, Stephen explains the impact of unconscious communication and that things that get in the way of behavior shifts. He also shares his thoughts on the impact of having multiple generations in the workforce simultaneously. And the tools that effective leaders use to motivate themselves and how to go about motivating somebody else, which is not a logical straight line.

What We Talked About in This Episode:

What unconscious communication is
Reflecting on the impact of communication
The process of valuing something
The different meanings of integrity
The steps needed to take in order to shift behavior
Getting plugged in to each generation and understanding their values
Framing communication to impact specific types of behavior
Preframes and Reframes
The importance of rapport
The ecology of persuasion
Developing the skill of persuasion
End result imagery tying into values to trigger motivation
Setting goals in alignment with values
Stephen’s book recommendation and daily rituals

About Our Guest:

Stephen McGarvey is a world-leading authority on unconscious communication, persuasion, and influence. He assists corporations and audiences around the world in solving difficult communications problems by guiding them on an engaging, fast-paced, fascinating journey inside the unconscious mind. For more than 20 years, Stephen has helped individuals better understand motivation, persuasion, and influence with a focus on achieving results by leveraging unconscious communication in a range of personal and business contexts. He is passionate about creating practical, ethical resources that are easy to learn and apply, and which produce extraordinary and sustainable results.         

         Connect with Stephen McGarvey: 

Solutions in Mind Website
Stephen McGarvey on LinkedIn

          Connect with John Murphy:


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