This episode features an interview with Anna Barsby, Founder and Managing Partner at Tessiant, a UK-based management consultancy, and the former CIO of Asda. As a people and change leader, Anna has spent her career helping to build cultures through the implementation and adoption of technology. 

On this episode, Anna talks about the incredible opportunity of building a data system from scratch, what it was like to start her own organization during the pandemic, and how Asda recently partnered up with Dell to provide 7,000 laptops to school children in need.

3 Takeaways:

When it comes to technology, you’ve got to be very clear on the business outcome you’re after and why you’re using it. Technology for technology’s sake will not bring an organization along, but articulating how it can get you to your goal faster, cheaper, and in a more productive way will.Similarly, technology works best when it brings teams together across an operation and helps build cultures of collaboration and trust. It falters when it is over-engineered and loses sight of what retailers fundamentally do.The challenge of overhauling an organization’s systems is no small feat. For some, it is like rebuilding a plane in midair. For others, it is akin to being in a swivel chair needing to seamlessly transition users from one system to another. The opportunity is equal parts exciting and nerve-wracking and requires expertise on both a systems and business front.

Key Quotes: 

“As a technologist, you have to talk to business people in their own language and about their outcomes. There is no point talking about the systems or even the data.”“I've seen examples in my past where some of the big consultancies have tried to over-engineer grocers or retailers....and several of the chief execs have said, ‘look, we’re shopkeepers, and we've got to be good shopkeepers. The tech has its place and will absolutely enable, but don't lose sight of what we fundamentally do.’” “One of the reasons I keep coming back to retail is because with technology you’re very close to the customer, and you're very close to your business colleagues, and you can see the impact that you make.”


This podcast is presented by Dell Technologies and Intel. Together they help you realize digital transformation across retail by driving IT innovation to better engage with today’s connected consumer. Learn more at and