Identity LA is a digital marketing agency that specializes in brand development. We help small businesses become influencers in today’s online market and attract the type of customers they want. A lot of our clients find us either through our digital marketing efforts or get referred to us from other clients we have worked with. 

One of the key aspects to developing your brand is to determine who your ideal client is and then focus your effort on reaching those clients. As an entrepreneur, it’s in our nature to try and help everyone but often we find the most success when we stay focused on the clients that best fit our product or service niche. Focusing your efforts there allows you to become known in that space which in turn helps bring in more of your ideal clients. 

We resell many digital services to our clients and Thryv is one of the best platforms we’ve used in a long time. The more I use it the more value I see behind it, the number one feature I like the most is the client portal which is like a digital business card. I created a custom version and starting sending it out to my clients and about 75% of them responded how much they liked it. Which was a great segue for me to tell them about Thryv. 

Building a brand is really about building relationships. If you don’t understand who you are as a brand you will have major challenges when it comes to your marketing and sales efforts. At the end of the day, the customer might not remember your name but they will remember your brand. 



Identity LA Thryv