In my first business, I found myself working extremely hard but making absolutely no money. I realized I needed to learn the business of business, so I spent time learning how to run a business. What I learned was that once you understand how a business runs, it doesn’t make much of a difference what type of business it is. I went from construction to a pharmaceutical fulfillment warehouse and then on to running a global franchisor. In any business, it all starts with marketing, which produces sales, that is handed off to production, and then the administration piece of the business. If you keep it simple, you can run any type of business you want, the hard part is to keep it simple. 


When I coach with clients, everyone likes to talk about getting to the next level but when you think about it, what does that mean. Generally, it means there is something blocking people from getting to where they want to be. In most cases, that gap is bridged by either some type of technology or having reliable data. While at first, that might sound like the last area you want to tackle, it is a must. Those areas help you identify the strengths in your business as well as your weaknesses. You’ve heard it said “work smarter, not harder,” and that starts with having good information so you can make informed decisions. 


Most contractors I’ve had do work for me do a great job at their craft, but they do a poor job managing and caring for their customers. When you call them, they don’t return the call or when you email them, it takes a week to hear back. On the other side of it, if you are the business that returns people’s calls, shows up when you said you would, and makes it easy for the customer to interact with you, there is a real opportunity to see explosive growth. Not only will people be willing to pay you more for this experience, but they will also be much more likely to send you referral business. If you want to grow your business but are choking yourself at the top of the funnel, you will always be stuck. 



Resources Shared: 

Profit Tool Belt Profit Tool Belt PodcastThryv