When it comes to creating videos for your business I think you can do 80% of it yourself. The distinction I like to make is the difference between quick videos and keeper videos. A quick video might be a Facebook live, Zoom, or similar video. Those can be powerful because they are in the moment. A keeper video might be one you plan to use on the home page of your website or another place that would represent your brand. Those require a bit more production time and resources but are worth it to enhance your brand credibility. 

When it comes to marketing your business via video you first have to determine what platform your audience is on. Facebook live is probably the low-hanging fruit for anyone looking to get started. These videos can be a bit more raw but allow you to get feedback and see what works. Then you might create a version for LinkedIn that is a little more polished and of course post the video on YouTube. Often the successful video creators on YouTube look at what their audience is searching for and then work backward to create a video for that topic. 

One of the secret weapons I use to create quick videos is Loom, there is a free version and an extension for the Chrome web browser. I use it for video emails because it is often quicker for me to record a short video than explain something through email. It is a great tool for those one-to-one videos where it might be easier for someone to watch than read. 

At the end of the day to be successful using video you have to get started. And what you will often find is it’s not as hard as you might have first thought. 


Resources Shared: 

Lou Bortone CreativeLoom MagistoThryv