"Tell The Truth, Cenk" is my two-part documentary about The Young Turks' union-busting and ensuing cover-up. Because I was involved and had a very unique vantage point, plus as an aspiring filmmaker and professional video editor, I decided to correct the record and have spent the last two-and-a-half years working on this in secret. So glad to finally be able to talk about it. It is not yet complete and I am asking for support to continue the project. Please consider helping out. ANNOUNCEMENT POSTS: First 46 Minutes on YouTube: SUPPORT! Recorded: 1st part 3.7.2024, 2nd part 2.29.24 FOLLOW! Instagram: InstaHankThompson, BumRushIndustries TikTok: @WikLok, @BumRushIndustries Twitch: Bum Rush Industries: SuckProfessor - Games, Shows, Movies Twitter: @Hank_Thompson, @WinnerLoserShow (Note: opinions subject to being forgotten) Winners and Losers started in 2010. Hosted by Hank Thompson, a comedian, writer, animator, video editor, woodworker, filmmaker and late-identified autistic with experience in progressive media (The Young Turks, The Jimmy Dore Show). Its early years center on the Chicago stand up scene but it has evolved into a show about capitalism, anticapitalism, leftist analysis, news commentary, culture, baldness as well as conversations with fun, interesting people. Stop losing and start listening! Today!