Hank welcomes his first patreon supporters! NEWS! 'Dunk & Egg' series headed to Game of Thrones Universe, HBO ditches its beloved brand to become Max, whatever that is, Elon trolls Lebron James and Stephen King on Twitter and Space X's Starship blows up, heralding the era of Space Capitalism, but what is it anyway and then we watch the launch explosion while remarking on things. Please consider supporting. SUPPORT! The Super Mario Bros. Movie review podcast on Suckprofessor: https://youtu.be/pZC1YRJHr7A Pro-Musk Mayor JAILS Anti-Space X Activist Bekah Hinojosa: https://youtu.be/zWDqBOE5BxY Recorded 4.20.23 FOLLOW! Instagram: InstaHankThompson, BumRushIndustries TikTok: @WikLok, @BumRushIndustries Twitch: Bum Rush Industries: Website: SuckProfessor - Games, Shows, Movies Twitter: @Hank_Thompson, @WinnerLoserShow (Note: opinions subject to being forgotten) Winners and Losers started in 2010. Hosted by Hank Thompson, a comedian, writer, animator, video editor, woodworker, filmmaker and late-identified autistic with experience in progressive media (The Young Turks, The Jimmy Dore Show). Its early years center on the Chicago stand up scene but it has evolved into an show about capitalism, anticapitalism, leftist analysis, news commentary, culture, baldness as well as conversations with fun, interesting people. Stop losing and start listening! Today!