Winner Winner is a Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) Podcast

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BIG news hit this week in the PUBG world - actually a few big pieces of news.

First, we got a new dev letter talking about how the development team is going to tackle updating this map.  We talk about the ‘goal’ they outlined and then we look into the few pieces of data they provided via graphs in the letter:

Spawn Rates Over Time ( How much loot is actually in Erangel from Aug ‘17 to Dec ‘18)
Spawn Rate vs. Pickup Rate (How much loot leaves the 15 studied areas)
Comparisons to Sanhok and how they aim to make Erangel unique and up to date

We also learned this week that PLAYERUNKNOWN himself, Brendan Greene, is stepping down from his current role - we talk about what that could mean for the future of PUBG.

Lastly we get into some protips about getting better at being aggressive.  We all talk about our favorite scenarios to get aggressive and some recent times it worked (and didn’t work…).

We finished by listing our personal top request for revamping the loot on Erangel.  

MTB Crossbow Clip Reference -

Latest Why You Suck at PUBG Episode 10 -

Your Hosts for this episode:

MTBtrigger Twitter / Twitch

Grifflicious Twitch / Twitter / Youtube (Check out his latest Youtube Video!)

The1Heart Twitter / Twitch

HeathyKeithy - He said don’t find him but he is on Twitch and also the Winner Winner Instagram

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