Doing Heels and Hammer the Right Way

Guests: Alisha Fuss and Patrick Bobczynski - Real Estate Investors

Alisha and Patrick began their real estate investment journey in March 2021. Since then, they have acquired 4 doors and are looking to purchase their fifth. They met in 2019 doing what they love; working out.

Alisha has a degree in Communications and has been working as a Marketing Manager for over 6 years. She splits her time between working a 9-5, managing Tenants, working as a freelancer, and growing their business. Alisha thrives off applying her creative skills to their business; whether it’s choosing the finishes for the renovations or creating social media content.

Patrick works full-time in Alberta’s Energy sector. He is also a fully licensed realtor in Alberta who draws on his own experience and knowledge to help real estate investors find great properties. Patrick has extensive experience in construction and loves to get his hands dirty with all of their renovation projects.

Together, they work hard to set and achieve short and long-term goals that will set them up to live a profitable and enjoyable life. They both love meeting new people learning and trying new things.

Follow Alisha & Patrick on Social Media:

Instagram: @heelsandhammer_


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