Wine After Podcast: Guest Show Notes

Guest: Dr. Anne Welsh


Clinical psychologist, executive coach, and consultant
Started career at Harvard
Established her own practice
Specializes in supporting women in leadership and working parents across career sectors

Topic of Expertise:

Leadership development
Emotional intelligence
Work-life integration

Key Points:

Dr. Welsh's coaching approach combines research and real-life experiences to enhance leadership skills and emotional intelligence.
She has a particular focus on supporting women in leadership roles and working parents, recognizing the unique challenges they face in achieving work-life balance.
Dr. Welsh's expertise lies in helping individuals integrate their personal and professional lives, enabling them to thrive in both domains.
Her coaching techniques empower clients to develop effective strategies for managing their careers while fostering a fulfilling personal life.
She aims to break gender barriers by supporting women in their pursuit of leadership positions and providing guidance on navigating the complexities of the workplace.
Dr. Welsh's work emphasizes the importance of creating diverse and inclusive environments that enable individuals to reach their full potential.
Her comprehensive approach incorporates evidence-based practices and tailored strategies to help clients achieve their goals.


Dr. Anne Welsh is a clinical psychologist and executive coach who specializes in supporting women in leadership roles and working parents across various career sectors.
Her coaching methodology integrates research and personal experiences to enhance leadership skills, emotional intelligence, and achieve work-life integration.
Dr. Welsh's expertise benefits individuals by helping them thrive in both their personal and professional lives, breaking gender barriers, and promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace.