Due to Father Anthony having a dental appointment and with all the tech issues on Monday, this is a re-air/re-broadcast of the show from Monday May 2nd and will officially air again on WNDZ on Tuesday May 3rd.  Thank you.

This is a very special Monday loyal listeners, Mike Stark is joining us and legendary radio show personality, Kevin Matthews is here once again, to discuss the statue of Broken Mary, which is going on tour the past few days.  Also joining Kevin in the studio, is Sister Angela de Fatima Coelho from Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, who is author of a new book: Inside the Light: Understanding the Message of Fatima.  Sister Angela talks about her book and explains the message of Fatima and how important it is, as well as all that they have done to help lots of people.  Kevin and Sister Angela also discuss some of the thoughts and facts people may or may not have in terms of going to Heaven, being able to feel God’s presence around us and what to do when we may lose hope.  A little later, Winds of Change host Dave Carollo joins the conversation.  For more information, please visit:


Mike Stark: https://www.truthandlifeapp.com/ and http://shalomworldtv.org  

Kevin Matthews: https://brokenmary.com/ 

Sister Angela: https://www.amazon.com/Inside-Light-Understanding-Message-Fatima/dp/1505116074

Dave Carollo: http://wafusa.org