Due to issues, this is a delayed podcast from last week.  We apologize for the inconvenience.  Thank you.

On this Monday, Mary FioRito returns and is here with Lauretta Froelich and they have much to discuss on the show today.  For starters, they discuss the latest in the Pro-Life Community, including the latest bill up for discussion, Bill 1795.  The ladies also share the latest news with the war in Ukraine, as the conflict continues, and offer their thoughts and prayers for peace and offer everyone to pray for peace.  After opening discussions, they welcome their guest: Dr. Steve Christie a medical doctor, attorney, and author of the new book: Speaking for the Unborn.  Steve discusses why and what led him to write the book and how he crafted in the book the best possible medical and legal arguments against abortion.  For more information and if you are interested in purchasing Speaking for the Unborn, visit:


Mary FioRito: https://eppc.org/

Dr. Steve Christie: https://speakingfortheunborn.com/ and https://www.amazon.com/Speaking-Unborn-30-Second-Rebuttals-Pro-Choice