Due to the holiday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, this is a re-air from all the way back in January 2020, on the same day and it will officially air next week on WNDZ Monday, January 17th.  It has been edited for time at the end.  Thank you all.  

It’s Monday with Mary FioRito on Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2020 and today Mary focuses on the upcoming March For Life 2020 and the many things and activities to address that. To help, Mary has on the phone two women who are major contributors to the March For Life in Washington, D.C.: Elizabeth Westhoff from the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in La Crosse, Wisconsin and Serrin Foster of Feminists for Life.  Both women share what their organizations do and provide help and aid to those who need it and within the Pro-Life Community, as well as the current projects they are working on and what they plan to do the help the March For Life 2020.  For more information on Mary, her guests, and the upcoming March For Life 2020, visit online at:


Mary FioRito:   https://eppc.org    

Elizabeth Westhoff: https://www.guadalupeshrine.org/

Serrin Foster:   https://www.feministsforlife.org/