Due to Father Anthony having a lot of work to do and a wedding and funerals to conduct, he couldn't make it on the show and this is a re-air from December 14th.  It is another one of our popular shows and it has been edited for time at the end.  Thank you.

Father Anthony is flying solo today, or is he?  As the show starts, Father Anthony welcomes two special guests on the show: Producer Nick and Jazmin from the office upstairs.  It feels like old times with the three sharing memories, fun, and Jazmin talks about her new baby on the way.  Both share fond memories and express how good it is to be working at and a part of the Saint Stans staff.  After the first break, Father Anthony shares a reflection he’s read that puts things in perspective in the times we live in.  From this, once again, Father Anthony reminds us to be wake up and be vigilante this time of year during the Season of Advent and Christmas and embrace God’s presence and His help to rid us of our sins and seek forgiveness.    
