Due to Father Anthony being in Rochester and Christmas is this weekend, this is a re-air from December 16th and will officially air on WNDZ tomorrow, Thursday December 23rd.  Thank you.  

TGIAF everyone, as we join Father Anthony at the start of the show, hoping that Tony is alright and recently he and his wife Angelica are under the weather with possibly the flu.  However, after the opening prayer, Father Anthony is once again joined by Jasmin from the office.  Now 8 months pregnant, Jazmin is getting ready for her third child to be here and they discuss all the food she cooked with Frank yesterday.   With family in mind, this brings the two to talk about their families and siblings and kids, as well as business as usual at Saint Stans.  After the first break, Father Anthony once again focuses on getting ready for Christmas next week and all that has been happening at Saint Stans this Christmas season.  
