Father Koys is coming in loud and clear loyal listeners and he is over joyed on the show.  As always, he’s ready to wrinkle our brains on today’s topics, but mainly he is joined by two guests today.  At the start of the show, he has Kevin Grillot from We Dignify to discuss the Supreme Court’s recent decisions regarding Abortion Laws.  Kevin shares his feelings on this in terms of how it will affect the State and National levels.  To continue this discussion, Father Koys second guest, Eric Scheidler from the                         voices his opinion and reactions, especially the Dobbs VS Jackson case, which has been discussed on the show.  For more information, please visit:


Kevin Grillot:  https://wedignify.org/ and   https://marchforlifechicago.org/

Eric Scheidler:  https://prolifeaction.org/