Due to Father Anthony being away in Rochester and scheduling conflicts, this is a re-air from September 30th and another one of our most popular shows, featuring Dave Carollo.  Thank you.

Joining us today, after a trip from Patima, Portugal, Dave Carollo is back,  the Executive Director of the World Apostolate of Fatima.  Today, Dave wants to talk about fear and how fear is very big around the world, not just with the Covid-19 Pandemic and the rise of the Delta Variant form of the virus and how that fear has changed so much.  One of the biggest things that fear has changed is how mass is conducted these days, with people so used to sitting at home, watching mass on their computers instead of going to mass in church.  He also talks about how we can get over fear, and one way is that we help ourselves, as well as helping others and remain vigilant and that the heart of man will triumph.  For more information, visit:

