It’s Monday again and Mary and Lauretta join us once again.  Starting off the show, Lauretta talks about how it feels to be out of the Criminal Prosecutor role and taking care and helping her family, as well as Mary with her family and friends.  They also discuss the traditions on the Latin Mass.  For the second half of the show, Mary and Lauretta are pleased to welcome, Father Nick, the Carmelite Friar or commonly known as “The Frank Friar” from the Archdioceses of New York, via the St. Elias Province of the Carmelite Order, who’s also is studying Canon Law at the Catholic University of America.  Father Nick explains how he became and what it’s like to be a Carmelite Friar and one of the “rock stars” on Catholic Twitter and he discusses his podcasts, blog, and YouTube channel for his program on Carmelite Spirituality.  They also discuss a particular and important Feast Day for the Carmelite Order tomorrow.  For more information on Mary, Lauretta, and Father Nick from the Carmelite Order, visit online at:

Mary FioRito:

Father Nick: www.the