Due to Father Anthony having so much work and a funeral to conduct, this is a re-air from last Friday, one of our most popular shows.  A second break has been added.  Thank you.

TGIF everyone and after the opening prayer, the Two Tony’s bring to mind one question that is on the list of topics to discuss: “Why be good?”  This allows the Two Tony’s to bring up responses people may or may not have had in terms of being good, that being good sounds good, but does it provide things or does being good turn out to be a good thing after all.  Another thing is how when trying to be good, it raises up the negativity in a person.  They also point out being good, is good, especially if someone wants to be good and in doing so, you can be seen as an icon of Christ and God centered.  Afterwards, they talk about the Eucharist, which is connected to the question about being good.