Due to Father Anthony having too much to work on, this is a re-air from April 8th.  It has been edited for time at the end.  Thank you.

Thursday with the Two Tony’s, as they both rush in with the Spring Shower hitting Chicago today.  First off, they discuss how their Easters were, such as the masses held and what they did to celebrate Easter.  The topic of discussion is the Novena of the Devin Mercy that was expressed to be prayed by Jesus himself and explain the history behind that, as well as the importance of it, especially during this time.  They also point out how it’s necessary for everyone in this years Easter Season and how important it is now, with the world in the state that it’s in and when we seek the Lord’s forgiveness and mercy for our sins.  Since it’s Easter Thursday, the Seventh Day in this, Father Anthony talks about the specifics not only on this day, but the Octave’s other days too.