Due to Father Koys not feeling well, and he is getting a Covid-19 test done (so we at Saint Stans pray for him that he's alright), this is a re-air from March 24th.  It has been edited for time at the end.  Thank you.

It’s Wednesday and Father Koys is here with us, ready to take a look back into history and historical sights and eras, in particular the year 53 A.D. for his looking into G.K. Chesterton again, and he reminds us that Palm Sunday (as well as Easter) is coming up.  Father Koys starts off with a kind of personal topic, a little soul sharing here in terms of going to confession and how people do different things with what to confess about at certain times.  Since everyone does it differently, Father Koys explains why it’s important to confess and why you should confess what you have to confess.  On the other hand, Father Koys continues his examination of G.K. Chesterton’s works, in this case on conversion.