Due to Mary being at the doctor to check on her foot, this is a re-air from July 6th, one of her most successful and popular shows.  Thank you. 

Mary FioRito is back with us loyal listeners.  On today’s show, Mary interviews from the Judicial Education Project, Andrea Picciotti-Bayer.  Andrea, a former civil rights attorney with the Department of Justice and legal consultant of the Catholic Association discusses with Mary 3 recent Supreme Court Cases: from Bostock to June Medical to Espinoza vs. Montana Dept. of Revenue, pointing out both the good and the bad with these decisions and where it will lead in our nation, diving deep into the facts of the cases that led to the decisions made.  For more information on Mary and Andrea Picciotti-Bayer, visit online at:

Mary FioRito:   https://eppc.org

Andrea Picciotti-Bayer: https://thecatholicassociation.org/