TGIF loyal listeners and the Two Tony’s are here, along with Producer Armand dropping by to see how things are going.  Today,  the discussion focuses on first Father Anthony discussing the funeral he had yesterday, not only the first he’s conducted during the pandemic, he talks about how we will get beyond this and how businesses, buildings, and churches are opening up slowly, while at the same time trying to make sure it’s safe.  Along with Producer Armand, they share their opinions on what is happening and what is planned in terms of opening things up, as well as what is considered safe. This includes Saint Stanislaus Kostka, with Father Anthony sharing all the latest information regarding it’s hours, masses, services, and limit to 10 people in the church and limit to 20 minute prayer times.  This also brings to mind the latest information on what has been said in regards to Illinois re-opening, as other states have and are doing very well and see a decline in Covid-19 cases.