It's Monday and the day after Mother’s Day loyal listeners, and Mary Hallan FioRito is here with us once again, hoping you all had a good Mother's Day. Today, Mary interviewed Professor Helen M. Alvare, Professor of Law at George Mason University's Antonin Scalia School of Law in Arlington, VA. Professor Alvare teaches property law and family law, and is also an expert on religious liberty issues. Mary and Professor Alvare discussed last week's Supreme Court oral arguments involving the Little Sisters of the Poor and the Sisters' religious and moral objections to funding contraceptives and abortifacient drugs in their health insurance plans, the particular  harms of hormonal contraception to women's health, as well as other religious liberty issues currently pending.  For more information on Mary Hallan FioRito and Professor Helen Alvare, visit online at:

Mary FioRito:

Professor Helen Alvare:


It's Monday and the day after Mother’s Day loyal listeners, and Mary Hallan FioRito is here with us once again, hoping you all had a good Mother's Day. Today, Mary interviewed Professor Helen M. Alvare, Professor of Law at George Mason University's Antonin Scalia School of Law in Arlington, VA. Professor Alvare teaches property law and family law, and is also an expert on religious liberty issues. Mary and Professor Alvare discussed last week's Supreme Court oral arguments involving the Little Sisters of the Poor and the Sisters' religious and moral objections to funding contraceptives and abortifacient drugs in their health insurance plans, the particular  harms of hormonal contraception to women's health, as well as other religious liberty issues currently pending.  For more information on Mary Hallan FioRito and Professor Helen Alvare, visit online at:

Mary FioRito:

Professor Helen Alvare:
