It’s a fun and funny Tuesday today, for one thing, Father Anthony is running a bit late, so Producer Nick steps in to start off the show with Tony and another nice surprise is that Producer Armand is here for the show too.  Again, after a fun start with the show, Father Anthony gives the usual prayer at the start of the show and the main discussion today is with Armand here, Armand talks about the Religious Liberty topic and how many churches in many states have filed lawsuits and some are going to court in regards to churches and masses being a essential business or not.  This raises the discussion to talk about what has been said and how this can be done safely without people getting sick.  This raises points again on what is safe and how to keep people safe, such as wearing masks in public and where social distancing isn’t possible, such as in grocery stores.  It also raises the discussion on opening up not only the state of Illinois, but the country and the world itself and what are considered essential and nonessential businesses, as well as how people are dealing with the pandemic and staying safe, as well as sane.