A change of pace loyal listeners, for Mary FioRito returns to us and we are very thrilled to have her back with us.  Today after wishing her daughter a very happy 19th birthday, she is joined by her good friend and fellow mother, Ariane Fisher, who is also a member of Saint Vincent Ferrer Parish and a Sidewalk Councilor at Family Planning Associates in Chicago.  One topic of discussion is how Ariane became a Catholic and she shares her history behind that journey.  She also talks about her big family as well and Ariane explains the work she does to help out people being a Sidewalk Councilor, what it is and how influential her work has been in helping people and the Pro-Life Community.  Mary and Ariane also discusses topics along the lines of family and also, abortion.  For more information on Mary and her guests, visit online at:

Mary FioRito:   https://eppc.org