It’s Easter Week with the Two Tony’s and Father Anthony wishes everyone a Happy Easter and Father Anthony asks Tony bluntly: “what’s your problem today?”  This is in connection to the Covid-19 Pandemic and Tony vents his feelings and anger about all that has been going on and Father Anthony helps with this in terms of expressing it depends on who you listen to and how we have to go through this.  On a lighter note, the Two Tony’s talk about the Easter Sunday Mass held via Facebook live and Tony read one of the readings.  One other question Father Anthony brings to mind is what is God’s purpose with this pandemic affecting the whole world, sharing not only what he and Tony feel, but also what millions of people are asking and feeling during this.  They also point out that as the current saying is: we’re all in this together and we are.  Despite all that, the Two Tony’s focus again on Easter and reflect on the previous mass, but also other masses held this week and how we want God with us and God's help and that with this pandemic, the Two Tony’s remind us that life goes on, even though there is fear and uncertainty, but we follow the guidelines.