Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, Mary FioRito is away, but doing okay and healthy, but the Two Tony’s are here with us.  They share the latest developments on what has been happening with the Coronavirus Pandemic, but also all the work that Father Anthony has been doing and been busy at Saint Stans, especially with streaming live masses from the church, a reminder for all to make sure to tune in for those.  Father Anthony also offers a prayer during this very difficult time, the Prayer of Protection.  Father Anthony tells not only Tony, but all how the online masses went and how different if felt and Tony comments on how well it was filmed/shot.  On a sadder note, because of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Two Tony’s discuss how Saint Stanislaus Kostka and all churches had to close, one of the saddest things that has ever come to Saint Stans, including how the feeling of loneliness hit Father Anthony very hard.  However, don’t worry, Winds of Change will still be on the air.  Father Anthony also points out the joy of all who came to mass on Saturday before it closed, giving him a feeling of hope and also a good feeling of how he felt what Jesus may/did feel with all those who came to Him.  This also allows them discuss how much of what is going on and how things are different, but in some ways, things are/were the same, in terms of the church being empty and that we need to “sanitize” the Gospel as well as our hands.