Coming to your during the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020, the Two Tony’s are with us and doing good and healthy as well.  With this in mind, the Two Tony’s not only offer their prayers and thoughts on this crisis in the world, but also their thoughts in what the public reaction has been in the last few days and what everyone has been doing to not only stay healthy, but staying positive during this crisis.  They also share their thoughts on how many things have either closed up or were canceled due to this, such as the masses held at Saint Stans.  However, Father Anthony points out some of the things that he’s been doing to allow for things to continue, such as streaming masses online for all those who have and still do attend Saint Stans.  They also share on the chaos that hit the world with this and all the fears everyone has.  One key factor they point out, is God’s role in this crisis as well and from all this, provide everyone a message/ray/feeling of hope to get through this.