Due to Mary FioRito being away for family buisness, this is a re-air from September 16th, 2019.  One of her most popular shows.  Thank you.

Mary FioRito, like Father Anthony at times, is “flying” into the studio, due to the traffic.  With that aside, Mary is very happy and pleased to be joined by her two friends, Molly Perry and Kris Cortes, co-chairs for the organization: Aid For Women, which helps women dealing with unexpected and unplanned pregnancies and they are preparing for their most important upcoming even, the Aid for Women Dinner.  They explain the importance of this dinner, as well as having keynote speakers, special events, and other components that are important to the Pro-Life Community.  Molly and Kris talk about not only the dinner, but Aid For Women itself as a whole organization and what it has been doing to help many women and how it has helped many with unexpected pregnancies.  Another special area and person that Mary, Molly, and Kris discuss is Obianuju Ekeocha, who not only will be one of the keynote speakers at this year’s Aid For Women Dinner, but also from Nigeria and all the work that she has done in Africa and helped so many, as well as being a huge influence on many.  For more information on Mary FioRito, Molly Perry, Kris Cortes and Aid For Women and their upcoming dinner and tickets, visit online at:

Mary FioRito: https://eppc.org      

Aid For Women: https://www.helpaidforwomen.org/