Due to Mary FioRito being away for business, this is a re-air from November 25th.  Thank you.

Mary FioRito returns to us after being in Washington, D.C. the past few weeks for a conference going on there and today she is joined by a very special guest, Dr. Steven Jacobs.  Today the main focus is the question: “Where does Life being?” or more accurately, human life and relating it to abortion, the right to life, and the Pro-Life Community.  With this question in mind, Mary and Dr. Jacobs try to answer this by looking at it in several directions, including using Dr. Jacobs own research, and in a variety of ways from all kinds of opinions and research done and bring up many ethical, physical, emotional, and spiritual results.  They also go as far as to discuss how even the Supreme Court has dealt with this.  For more information on Mary FioRito, Dr. Steven Jacobs, and this question, visit online at:

Mary FioRito:  https://eppc.org/

Dr. Steven Jacobs: @DrSteveJacobs on Twitter