Due to Father Anthony being away for a bit this week, but he will return on Thursday, this is a re-air from Auguster 27th.  Thank you and it will officially air on Tuesday November 19th.  

The Two Tony’s return to us once again loyal listeners and they continue their discussion on the differences between the generations.  They discuss how things have changed around us in terms of the faith people have these days.  How many still “feel” God’s presence around us in one way or another, while there are also those, possibly the younger generations who need to “feel” His presence in a different way, a way to be able to “see” it as well as “feel” it, knowing He’s there.  The Two Tony’s also share more on the form of loneliness people feel, not just in terms of needing a companion, but wondering if God is there for us and with us.  They also point out the way social media has changed things for people.  From all this, Father Anthony points out that there is a sickness around us in a way, but reminds us to have and continue to have a relationship with God and allow Him to help and guide us in order to deal and heal that sickness.