Due to Mary FioRito and Mike Stark being away in Washington, this is a re-air from October 14th.  Thank you.

It’s Monday with Mike Stark and he is very happy to be on the show again.  Today, he has once again radio legend Kevin Matthews again, who is visiting Chicago again to help show and present Broken Mary once again at various locations this week.  For those of you who’ve missed the other show, Kevin Matthews shares the story of how he found Broken Mary and how she has become a great symbol for many people and invites everyone to come to his talks this week in Chicago.  Kevin expresses his message of Broken Mary of how we are all broken and need healing and love, especially from our Mother.  He also expresses the journey of Broken Mary, which is she has gone from being in a dumpster, to becoming one of the most important and influential symbols ever.  Kevin and Mike also talk about Kevin’s trips to visit many people within the Catholic Church and how important they are.  For more information on Mike Stark, Kevin Matthews and Broken Mary, visit online at:

Mike Stark: https://www.truthandlifeapp.com/ and http://shalomworldtv.org  

Kevin Matthews and the upcoming Broken Mary Visits and Talks: http://www.scaoaklawn.org/https://www.carmelhs.org/ and https://thetalk.org/