Happy 5th anniversary to the Windows Insider Program! In honor of this celebration, we’re bringing you a special super-episode that journeys through the years. Think of it as our version of The Christmas Carol. First, we’re joined by Brandon LeBlanc of the Windows Insider Program, who helps us take a look back at where the program started and how far it’s come. Then, Amanda Langowski from flighting joins us as the ghost of WIP present to take about the current state of the program. And finally, Windows Insider and .NET developer Jeremy Sinclair joins us as the ghost of WIP future to talk about what’s next. Join our host Jason Howard as he proves he has a heart and gives thanks for all our Insiders!



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Twitter @windowsinsider


Jason Howard @NorthFaceHiker

Jeremy Sinclair, a.k.a. snickler | @sinclairinator

Check out our other shows about technology, visit: The Intrazone: https://aka.ms/TheIntrazone Sync Up, a OneDrive podcast: http://aka.ms/syncup


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