In this episode, Cheryl Sew Hoy, founder and CEO of Tiny Health, shares her entrepreneurial journey and the challenges she faced in building her startups. She discusses her experience as a first-time founder and the lessons she learned from her first company and its acquisition process. In a conversation focused on both Cheryl's trajectory and her experience building Tiny Health, a microbiome testing the episode reveals the challenges and opportunities for female entrepreneurs and how they can approach growth and expansion for their ventures.

Key takeaways: 

Adapting the startup ecosystem to the local culture is crucial for success.Passion and a mission-driven approach are key to overcoming challenges and building a successful company.Raising funds from a position of strength and being disciplined with spending can lead to better outcomes.Building credibility and partnerships are critical for ventures in the healthcare industry.

Learn more:

Zoia Kozakov (Host): Sew Hoy (Guest): in Innovation:

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