How much do your kids know about their grandparents? Or their great-grandparents? What stories are you telling them to keep their accomplishments, resilience, and impact alive? Today's guest Bill High discussed the importance of this, and how it can change the trajectory of your child's life, and generations to come. I know he inspired me to reach out and learn more, and I look forward to hearing how this episode inspires you. 


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

What is the key trait to winning at work and at home? (1:26)

Why is it pertinent to know your story? (1:51)

How Bill helps these families. (9:43)

What is Legacy Stone? (16:35)

Why kids who know their ancestor's stories, thrive. (27:19)


Bill’s Bio:

With over 35 years of work experience in the fields of law, philanthropy, and nonprofit leadership, I have been passionate about helping families and organizations create lasting impact and legacy. As the president of 7 Generation Legacy, I have worked with families to improve their relational health, structure, and training, based on biblical principles and practical tools. Previously, I served as CEO of a charitable foundation where I helped empower thousands of donors to support causes that align with their values and vision. 

I have also been an official member of the Forbes Nonprofit Council, where I have shared my insights and best practices on nonprofit management, fundraising, and innovation. I have also authored and co-authored several books on generosity, spirituality, and history, and have been recognized as one of the top 25 speakers in philanthropy. 

My core competencies include family legacy consulting, leadership, nonprofit organizations, and management, and I have developed multiple skills in these areas throughout my career. My mission is to inspire and equip others to live a life of generosity and purpose, and to contribute to the transformation of communities and cultures. 

I value collaboration, integrity, and stewardship, and I seek to bring diverse perspectives and experiences to the teams and organizations I work with.


What's Next? 

Are you struggling to win at both home and work? Maybe you’re crushing it at work, but home life is tough. Or maybe home life is great, but work is challenging. 

I want to give you 10 tips that I share with clients. Go to my website at and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home and at Work.”

Have you read ‘Rise and Go’?

All leaders get knocked down from time to time, so this is a resource to help you get back up quicker. 

Check it out on Amazon.

Also, if you have not checked out my first book, please do! It is called Win At Home First and you can purchase it on Amazon Here. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read.