How vulnerable are you with your kids? How do you encourage them when it comes to their future, goals, or head trash they may have? What are you doing that maybe you aren’t showing them, that could help them become better adults? Today's guest Lantz Howard talks about his intentionality with what he shows his kids when it comes to helping others. Not only that, but how important it is to remember why we do the things we do and adjust as our means change. I pray this episode leaves you encouraged, and excited to share more with your kids. 


In this episode, you’ll discover… 

What is your key trait to winning at work and at home? (2:02)

What are some non-negotiables for his family? (3:57)

How Lantz was intentional with his daughter, and why he recommends it. (7:20)

Leaving the security of a paycheck, to become an entrepreneur. (12:00)


Lantz’s Bio:

I’m Lantz Howard. Disciple of Jesus, husband to Jessica, father of four amazing girls. I’ve been blessed in life with an amazing family and a career that I love, helping men like myself do the hard work and pursue personal wellness.

As an executive coach, I can only be effective to the extent that I start with myself. I’ve been on a journey to maximize my own physical, emotional, and spiritual health since long before midlife. I remember moments driving my minivan with my beautiful wife sitting next to me and four little girls under the age of 6 in the back. Life was good, but also felt very full. I loved being in ministry, but I struggled with taking on too much and allowing the perspectives of others to cloud my inner compass. My body started sending me subtle signals that it wasn’t dealing well with the stress: high blood pressure, heartburn, and a severe bout of shingles. I wasn’t burning with purpose: I was burning out.

“How the hell am I going to handle all this responsibility?” I wondered. Ironically, I was the one leading groups of men with the same struggles, and they were depending on me to help them find the answers. By leaning into the hard times and choosing to lead with courage, I was able to overcome Impostor Syndrome and craft the life I wanted: a strong body, a passionate marriage, a connected family, and a meaningful career path. Once I stopped letting stress, anxiety, and fear be my main motivators, I was able to experience a lifestyle fueled by joy, peace, and purpose.

The best part of my job is that I get to connect with men like me, tenaciously searching for meaning in midlife. They watch those around them spend midlife coasting, relying on previous momentum, or making bad decisions because they sense a problem but don’t know exactly what it is. My clients are unwilling to settle for anything less than functioning fully alive. They pursue physical health as a way to add vibrant decades to their lives, and emotional health as a means to build strong relationships and keep growing in meaningful ways. I guide people to maximum flourishing in all areas of life.

Learn more on his website.

Follow Lantz on LinkedIn

What's Next? 

Are you struggling to win at both home and work? Maybe you’re crushing it at work, but home life is tough. Or maybe home life is great, but work is challenging. 

I want to give you 10 tips that I share with clients. Go to my website at and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home and at Work.”


Have you read ‘Rise and Go’?

All leaders get knocked down from time to time, so this is a resource to help you get back up quicker. 

Check it out on Amazon.

Also, if you have not checked out my first book, please do! It is called Win At Home First and you can purchase it on Amazon Here. Forbes Magazine rated it one of 7 books everyone on your team should read.