Who likes tax increases?  Not me. or just about everyone else.  But who wants lower crimes rates?  Most of the same people that don't want higher taxes still want lower crime rates.  I don't like big bloated government. But this is not an example of it.  And it's easier to scrutinize individual compartments of government i.e. individual taxing districts, to see how efficient they are.  In the case of the Jefferson Parish Sheriffs Department, I think scrutinizing it will make the case FOR a millage increase to keep the good police officers we have here, and bring new ones here that will make a career and friends and families within our community.  The first few minutes I have a brief introduction, the next 25 minutes are with Sheriff Joe Lopinto, and after the interview is my bonus content with an analysis I offer on some information I found.  I am not in law enforcement nor do I have specific qualifications in that area, but neither does most of the people that will be voting on it.  So I think that my "laymen's" observation will appeal to many people.  Please share it with others.