This podcast is with David Clements aka the Professor who has been on the forefront of election integrity and is getting criticized to say the least for his efforts to make more people aware of what is happening in our election system.  You will get a lot of information from him and about him in this interview.  And after the interview I am going to take a couple minutes and read the words to the song America which I feel are very enlightening words about our Country.   Election Integrity should be something that everyone unites on regardless of who wins or who we want to win.  And it should not be seen as a January 6th thing or tied to Trump.  Dividing people on those grounds only causes a large portion of our Country to ignore the words election integrity, and creates a complacency to do anything about fair, honest, accurate, or even accessible elections because they don’t want to get anger from people who have confused election integrity as only relating to the last Presidential election.  We should all unite on it.