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Monday, July 22, 2013

Written to Shock You!
Deuteronomy 28:56-57

The most tender and delicate woman among you—so delicate she would not so much as touch the ground with her foot—will be selfish toward the husband she loves and toward her own son or daughter. She will hide from them the afterbirth and the new baby she has borne, so that she herself can secretly eat them. She will have nothing else to eat during the siege and terrible distress that your enemy will inflict on all your towns.


Deuteronomy chapter 28 is written as a warning and it is written to shock you!This passage is written to set you up! It is written to lead you into the utter revolting shocking horrific end of our selfishness, disobedience, and sinfulness. We may think someone is good, graceful, and full of poise and culture the very picture of beauty and sophistication, when in fact inside lies the avarice of a cannibal! And it is revolting! Still this was not fiction. God's people did disobey his commands and they did literally end up in this hideous situation of starvation, mental collapse and cannibalism. Sin is serious. We really don't believe God. We can't accept the warnings on cigarette containers how can we see the reality of where our path is taking us. Drug addiction can steal our mind and turn our young and promising capable bodies into complete walking corpses.I've seen young people with the bodies and minds of septuagenarians due to alcohol and drug abuse. And who hasn't seen families torn apart by people hell bent on greed, pleasure, lies, deceit and hatred. SIN LEADS TO DEATH!
God wants to bless his people but he wants them to know that they will suffer unimaginably if they turn from the source of life. If they seek life from the source of death they will shrivel to less than an animal.
We should thank God for painting the picture so clearly of a heart that has run from Him. We may turn from God and have the outward beauty and grace of a movie star but our selfishness will lead us to devour our own young.
We need to be rescued from the consequences of abandoning the creator of love and life. We need to cling to the fountain of selflessness and sensibility. We need to bask in the safety of HIs Words and clarity of his ways.
Only in rejecting our own way and in embracing HIs will we avoid the horrific rock bottom gutter existence of our sinful self.
Be warned!