Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Smiled on
Numbers 6:22-27

The Priestly Blessing

22 Then the Lord said to Moses, 23 “Tell Aaron and his sons to bless the people of Israel with this special blessing:
24 ‘May the Lord bless you
and protect you.
25 May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you.
26 May the Lord show you his favor
and give you his peace.’
27 Whenever Aaron and his sons bless the people of Israel in my name, I myself will bless them.”


Smiles really do make a difference. A smile is a mark of happiness, a sign of joy, a seal of approval. When God smiles on us he is saying he loves us. He will give us what we need, that indeed he loves us!

We need this blessing. And God knows it. Don't forget it is God who tells Moses that this should be the blessing from God's representatives, Aaron, his sons and the priests to his people!

Look at what God is saying to his people.

Protected Fern

Bless - God intends to do good to his people!
Protect - God is committed to their well being and standing between them and harm!
Smile - God offers approval and joy in them. God is happy with his people. He loves them.
Gracious - God knows the failings, and waywardness of his people but he will provide for them just the same. This blessing is not conditional on the people, but on God's character, which never changes.
Favor - God sees everything but is predisposed to do good to his people. He will conquer their enemies, cause their crops to grow, and give them plenty.
Peace - God rests from conflict with these rebellious people and extends peace. So in a world of fighting and war, God's people will know peace!
and the promise of fulfilling this whenever the priest extends the blessing to God's people!

Maybe it is the promise tacked on the end of this blessing that makes it so powerful! The priest in pronouncing this blessing knowing full well that God is going to fulfil it! That is God's promise. It is as if God is saying listen, when Aaron, his sons, or the priests say these words to you, listen it is my voice. You are hearing the voice of God spoken from the heart of God.

And although this was specific to the Israelites so long ago and Aaron is no longer walking this earth, a better priest by far has come and he still speaks these words of blessing over you. And His Father has promised even greater bounty, and blessing. Jesus is our great high priest and He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing imaginable and far more than you can imagine.

Trust Him and listen to his blessing spoken here through Aaron and now through Jesus!

Hear me friend as I am a priest in God's kingdom and I speak these words of Blessing on you today!