Art always seems like such a planned event. It’s a production. We think about our ideas, we jot them down, we plan and plan for how we can take the perfect photograph. Then comes the day when we actually set out to take that photograph — that, too is a production. It’s often a long trip that is laid out on maps, organized through lists of gear that we check twice before we depart, and so on.

This pre-planned nature can make art hard. Why? Because life just gets in the way. Because we make art into such a production, we find ourselves with ever more limited time for it. We’re blocking out weekends for our photo trips and staying up late at night when we need to be going to sleep so we can get up early for work in the morning.

The nonstop balancing act of life and art becomes tiresome and sometimes discouraging because we so often feel like we just don’t have enough time to work on our creative pursuits. Even when we do have the time — say, a Saturday where you don’t have anything planned — sometimes, we take those days and instead of creating art, we spend time relaxing or engaging in some other thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with taking a break, but still, the problem remains: When does art get made?

For so many works of art, all this planning, preparation and blocking out large chunks of time is necessary to create a fully developed piece. But if you’re frustrated with the amount of art you’re producing each month or each year, then there is also something to be said for just letting art happen. The creation of art doesn’t necessarily have to be a major endeavor. It can also be something that you do as it occurs to you, in those brief windows of time during your day-to-day routine when the inspiration or opportunity strikes you just right.

To that end, let me discuss a few strategies that you can employ to help make artmaking on the go a little easier. Employ these tactics and you’ll still be able to embark on larger projects as you see fit — but you’ll also be able to express your creativity even when life gets in the way.

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